Remove Password From Excel Using Kali

  • Q. How to run your program?

    A. This is a command-line (console) utility. Run it from Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt. The detailed instructions are in readme file. Also, if you've got an error: 'The application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect.', try to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package

  • Q: How to use my GPU card?

    A: You need modern NVIDIA video card (8xxx serie and up); or AMD Radeon (HD 5xxx and up) and the latest drivers.

  • Q: How to achieve maximal key testing rate?

    A: You should run as many instances of CPU clients of GuaWord as many CPU cores you have and as many GPU clients as many GPU cards you have. NOTE: on some systems with powerful GPU's the amount of CPU clients should be decreased. You may experiment by yourself to get optimal configuration.

More questions and answers you'll find in the GuaExcel FAQ.

Only legal customers are supported. No claims and question about freeware version will be accepted, but I'll appreciate the constructive feedback. Also contact me if you have any problems with ordering the program.


Remove Password From Excel Using Kali Python

  1. Open every file with your favorite texteditor, search the XML tag named sheetProtection and remove the entire tag. Compress the extracted files (with the same folder structure) in a new ZIP file.
  2. Decrypt any Excel 97/2000 files with password for opening and; decrypt Excel XP/2002/2003 files in default (40-bit) encryption mode. Do not use it for: decryption of Excel files versions prior to 97 (8.0) French Excel (any version) files using new Office XP/2003/2007/2010 encryption with.

So, to remove owner protection from the Excel worksheet, go to the MS Excel Password Recovery page and upload the file to a special form. Voila, in a couple of seconds you will be given a button to download an unlocked Excel document. A common request across the Excel forums is looking for some way to remove a password from the worksheet/workbook/VBA project. Take note, putting a password on any of these items does not make it secure, it only slows someone down from messing things up. With that mindset, here's the file I use for cracking passwords.

Remove Password From Excel Using Kali Command

Please send any comments and bugs to In case of the bug reported I'll update program as soon as possible.

Remove Password From Excel Using Kali Linux

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