Parker Brothers Serial Numbers

  1. Parker Brothers Serial Number Lookup
  2. Parker Brothers Shotgun Serial Numbers
Rating - 96.9%
Mar 15, 2010
Ware Ma.

1911-12, based on serial number). 12 gauge double barrel shotgun, (serial no. Viewed 23 November 2020. Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation, Charlottetown - Artefacts Canada micro-site, Government of Canada. (Search the micro-site, advanced search, select 'Accession. Parker Brothers Serial Numbers Save Data Suikoden 1 Mcr Epsxe Installing Php Pear And Pecl Extensions On Mamp For Mac Keyscape Standalone Mac + Torrent Boris Fx 10 Keygen Crack Mazak Nexus 410a Manual Yalgaar Film Songs Mp3 Download Adobe Illustrator With Crack. The grade on Parker shotguns is a number or initials located on the water table of the frame. An alphabetical designation would indicate the grade immediately. For numerals, a '2'would indicate a GM, while an '8' would specify an A-1 Special - interpolate for the others (numbers 3 through 7).

So my friend came up from FL for a visit. When she gets here she pulls out of the back of her truck an very nice looking Parker Bros side by side. I cleaned it up for her but I'm having a hard time finding out about when it was made and what it is worth. It is a 12ga SXS serial number 211686 the only markings are 'Parker Bros' and on the barrel reads PARKER BROS MAKERS MERRIDEN CT USA TROJAN STEEL. Condition I would rate at @ 80% any help is appreciated.
Parker brothers serial numbersParker brothers serial number yearParker Brothers Serial Numbers

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Parker Brothers Serial Number Lookup

Parker Brothers Shotgun Serial Numbers

Serial Number Range Year Manufactured
Lower than 1850Pre-1874
1851 through 42591874
4260 through 67481875
6749 through 88341876
8835 through 110981877
11099 through 137311878
13732 through 173941879
17395 through 202881880
20289 through 243041881
24305 through 289651882
28966 through 380221883
38023 through 446871884
44688 through 469181885
46919 through 495011886
49502 through 527431887
52744 through 561041888
56105 through 591231889
59124 through 642401890
64241 through 703711891
70372 through 765411892
76542 through 795601893
79561 through 808831894
80884 through 836291895
83630 through 855821896
85583 through 875521897
87553 through 903071898
90308 through 943221899
94323 through 1005021900
100503 through 1082431901
108244 through 1157231902
115724 through 1215091903
121510 through 1301111904
130112 through 1344481905
134449 through 1404041906
140405 through 1467081907
146709 through 1496841908
149685 through 1527211909
152722 through 1555261910
155527 through 1584951911
158496 through 1616751912
161676 through 1668691913
166870 through 1699301914
169931 through 1723241915
172325 through 1754181916
175419 through 1796391917
179640 through 1824241918
182425 through 1876811919
187682 through 1930871920
193088 through 1968771921
196878 through 2009531922
200954 through 2065091923
206510 through 2112791924
211280 through 2153991925
215400 through 2202621926
220263 through 2253471927
225348 through 2301861928
230187 through 2335701929
233571 through 2357531930
235754 through 2360461931
236047 through 2361581932
236159 through 2362411933
236242 through 2365301934
Over 236531Post 1934