ETM overview: Quite simply, it does what it says on the tin. While this mod won’t stop the whole babies-being-an-object and stuck in their crib weirdness, it will add deeper gameplay around babies and toddlers.
The mod itself only works on Maxis made fridges 3.) Curb All Auto Read To– Your Sims won’t try to self read to children or toddlers unless you instruct them to do so. 4.) Be nice to teddy– this a mod that removes the “Slam” animation from the random set of animations used when a child or toddler plays with any of the teddy bears. In Sims 4, pregnant sims and kids cannot die, and many of us find this highly unrealistic. Now your pregnant sims, children, and toddlers can die like everybody else. This mod allows your sims to get older during pregnancy and has all the weaknesses that can cause your expecting sims and her unborn child’s untimely death. Download tens of thousands of free premium quality creations and custom content for The Sims, Sims 4, Sims 3 games - no login required and updated daily I accept We use cookies to improve your experience, measure your visits, and show you personalized advertising. 15 Of The Weirdest Sims 4 Mods. There are hundreds of mods that make Sims 4 a better game. However, some modifications are weird, from crazy hats to very loved up Sims.
The Sims 4 MOD: Better Babies & Toddlers (Updated 28/11/20)
Available for download from the creator’s website.
Update 28/11/20
– I fixed issues that would make interactions not show
– Interaction “Encourage Baby Breastfeeding” is now only available for female Sims
– Male Sims (must be a parent) will now have the same functionality as female sims
– Correction in the English strings and text modification of some interactions
I find the features in game related to parents and children really poor and that’s what motivated me to make mods to improve little Sims in the game. I hope that with this mod you will have much more fun with babies and toddlers.
This mod is not compatible with any other mod that use Baby Bassinet interactions
Better Babies
If your Sim already has a baby you must click on another Sim on the interaction called Talk About Babies in the Better Babies menu. Your Sim will get the hidden trait. The step is the same if your Sim has just given birth.
Once the baby is born the menu will be fully functional for your Sim.
The Sim will be able to get different moodlets when talking about their baby with another Sims, and some interactions may have various moodlets, for example if you are talking about going back to work or Promote Breastfeeding. Targeted Sims will also receive custom moodlets.
Discuss About First Christmas interaction will only appear if you are in the winter season.
Indecive is a new mood from Lumpinou’s Mood Pack.
I use other custom moods as you can see on this page. Those new moods are great to enhance your gameplay as they bring much more realism to your Sims emotions, thank you so much Lumpinou!
Sometimes the Baby Blues moodlet would appear, so it will be time to make a phone call to help your Sim feel better.
When you use an interaction on the bassinet your Sim will receive new moodlets for all interactions (Shoosh, Feeding, Rock, Show baby, Cuddle…)
With the new interaction on computer your Sim can now Read Parent Magazine to learn more about babies, Your Sim will increase Parenting skills.
In a future update I plan to add the subscription to the magazine and to receive it by mail. I have also planned to add a baby gift to be received by mail at the time of the baby’s birth.
No Menu or Interaction ?
If with your Sim (must be a parent) you cannot see any interactions from the Babies menu, or if your Sim does not receive any moodlets when using the baby crib, then you must activate the trait by clicking on the Talk About Babies interaction from the Better Babies menu. As long as your sim has a child, the interactions will be available.
Better Toddlers
If your Sim already has a toddler, you can use two new interactions when you target a Sim: Debate about Milk or Ask for Meal Ideas.
With the Better Toddlers menu, you can click on a toddler and Ask to Say Mommy (or Daddy) and you can also use Try to Teach New Word interaction. After this a new interaction will appear: Talk About Toddler’s Saying Mommy (or Daddy).
Your Sim will be able to share her child’s progress or fail with the other Sims. This will increase some skills for toddlers and parents.
Another new interaction on the computer Search for Veggies Recipes, which will increase the Sim’s cooking skill.
More interaction to use with Parent to teach them more skills will be added soon! I’m also working on an addon to include new conversations for the toddlers.
A huge Thank You to Lumpinou for all the help and explanations she gave me to finish this mod and for her excellent mood pack for modders! Thanks a lot for everything!❤️ Many thanks also to Kimikosoma who helped me with the English strings and corrected my mistakes!
**This mod requires the Lumpinou’s Mood Pack to work**
Download this mod here: Mood Pack
and place it in your mods folder
✅ Fully compatible with the Lumpinou’s WooHoo Wellness & Pregnancy Overhaul mod.
This mod is not compatible with any other mod that use Baby Bassinet interactions
Available languages : EN / FR / RU / PT-BR / CN / DE / ES
Russian (Thanks to Origamika)
German (Thanks to Ulrike)
Spanish (Thanks to Atheduchess)
Chinese (Thanks to MuMu)
Brazilian Portuguese (Thanks to Qlaqercoixsa)
Other translations are welcome
Additional Credits:
Made with Zerbu’s Mod Constructor & Sims 4 Studio.
Thanks to Lumpinou & Kimikosoma.
ETM overview: Quite simply, it does what it says on the tin. While this mod won’t stop the whole babies-being-an-object and stuck in their crib weirdness, it will add deeper gameplay around babies and toddlers.
The Sims 4 MOD: Better Babies & Toddlers (Updated 28/11/20)
Available for download from the creator’s website.
Update 28/11/20
– I fixed issues that would make interactions not show
– Interaction “Encourage Baby Breastfeeding” is now only available for female Sims
– Male Sims (must be a parent) will now have the same functionality as female sims
– Correction in the English strings and text modification of some interactions
I find the features in game related to parents and children really poor and that’s what motivated me to make mods to improve little Sims in the game. I hope that with this mod you will have much more fun with babies and toddlers.
This mod is not compatible with any other mod that use Baby Bassinet interactions
Better Babies
If your Sim already has a baby you must click on another Sim on the interaction called Talk About Babies in the Better Babies menu. Your Sim will get the hidden trait. The step is the same if your Sim has just given birth.
Once the baby is born the menu will be fully functional for your Sim.
The Sim will be able to get different moodlets when talking about their baby with another Sims, and some interactions may have various moodlets, for example if you are talking about going back to work or Promote Breastfeeding. Targeted Sims will also receive custom moodlets.

Discuss About First Christmas interaction will only appear if you are in the winter season.
Indecive is a new mood from Lumpinou’s Mood Pack.
I use other custom moods as you can see on this page. Those new moods are great to enhance your gameplay as they bring much more realism to your Sims emotions, thank you so much Lumpinou!
Sometimes the Baby Blues moodlet would appear, so it will be time to make a phone call to help your Sim feel better.
When you use an interaction on the bassinet your Sim will receive new moodlets for all interactions (Shoosh, Feeding, Rock, Show baby, Cuddle…)
With the new interaction on computer your Sim can now Read Parent Magazine to learn more about babies, Your Sim will increase Parenting skills.
In a future update I plan to add the subscription to the magazine and to receive it by mail. I have also planned to add a baby gift to be received by mail at the time of the baby’s birth.
No Menu or Interaction ?
If with your Sim (must be a parent) you cannot see any interactions from the Babies menu, or if your Sim does not receive any moodlets when using the baby crib, then you must activate the trait by clicking on the Talk About Babies interaction from the Better Babies menu. As long as your sim has a child, the interactions will be available.
Sims 4 Child Mods 2020
Better Toddlers
If your Sim already has a toddler, you can use two new interactions when you target a Sim: Debate about Milk or Ask for Meal Ideas.
With the Better Toddlers menu, you can click on a toddler and Ask to Say Mommy (or Daddy) and you can also use Try to Teach New Word interaction. After this a new interaction will appear: Talk About Toddler’s Saying Mommy (or Daddy).
Your Sim will be able to share her child’s progress or fail with the other Sims. This will increase some skills for toddlers and parents.
Sims 4 Child Mods Body
Another new interaction on the computer Search for Veggies Recipes, which will increase the Sim’s cooking skill.
More interaction to use with Parent to teach them more skills will be added soon! I’m also working on an addon to include new conversations for the toddlers.
A huge Thank You to Lumpinou for all the help and explanations she gave me to finish this mod and for her excellent mood pack for modders! Thanks a lot for everything!❤️ Many thanks also to Kimikosoma who helped me with the English strings and corrected my mistakes!
**This mod requires the Lumpinou’s Mood Pack to work**
Download this mod here: Mood Pack
and place it in your mods folder
✅ Fully compatible with the Lumpinou’s WooHoo Wellness & Pregnancy Overhaul mod.
This mod is not compatible with any other mod that use Baby Bassinet interactions
Available languages : EN / FR / RU / PT-BR / CN / DE / ES
Russian (Thanks to Origamika)
German (Thanks to Ulrike)
Spanish (Thanks to Atheduchess)
Chinese (Thanks to MuMu)
Brazilian Portuguese (Thanks to Qlaqercoixsa)
Sims 4 Child Mods Folder
Other translations are welcome
Sims 4 Child Mods Hair
Additional Credits:
Made with Zerbu’s Mod Constructor & Sims 4 Studio.
Thanks to Lumpinou & Kimikosoma.