Stapi Software

  • Localize in any Language

    • Localize in any language & Currencies.
    • Support multi-store, multi-language.
  • Selection of Stamp

    • Stamp designer software has extensive selection of stamp products.
    • User can go for a signs & rubber stamp based on their personal likings.
  • Select- Sign

    • Our stamp designer software allows user to edit sign stamp material by selecting material type, thickness, sides, orientation, economy size, width& height of stamp, material color.
  • Select- Rubber Stamp

    • Our stamp designer software allows user to edit rubber stamp material by selecting rubber stamp type, brands, model, ink color.
  • Text Features

    • With this amazing Add Text feature, users can enrich the design with incorporating their personalized text in both single line & multi line.
    • Further, it allows customization in terms of formatting includes font type, color, letter spacing.
  • Upload Image

    • Apart from selecting images from gallery, it facilitates to upload images directly either from the computer of most regularly used formats like PDF, .PNG, .JPEG, .BMP, .GIF, .TIF and .SVG or from social media.
    • Further, users can make customization to the uploaded image.
  • Upload Shape

    • Extensive selection of various shapes.
    • Further, users can make customization to the uploaded shape.
  • Upload template

    • Extensive selection of various template.
    • Further, users can make customization to the uploaded templates.
  • Edit Border

    • This software also offers feasibility to edit border style and color of border of selected stamp type & further user can make customization to selected borde.
  • Preview

    • Our advanced online Stamp design Software allows user to get a preview of their designed Rubber Stamps.
  • Remove & Add New Design

    • This software also offers feasibility to the users to erase the designs.
    • For instance, if they do not like the design on Stamp so they can erase and change it.
  • Retrieve

    • User can also retrieve the changes created by them on stamp.
  • Undo, Redo, left, right, Center, CenterH Design

    • Undo, redo your created design
    • Shift your design to left, right, CenterH and CenterV.
  • Cut, copy, past design

    • Cut, copy, paste your created design.
  • Zoom In/Zoom Out

    • Zoom-in/Zoom-out design to view the Stamp properly.
  • Add to cart

    • Add the designed Stamp to cart for placing order.

Tapi Software

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Strapi Software

STAPI uses publicly available sources, mainly Memory Alpha, to get its data. Data is cleansed, standardized and put into relational model. API can be browsed by anyone, even right now, using API Browser. Cogswap ps2 iso. SOAP contracts and Swagger specifications can be downloaded. STAPI is written in Java, with tests written in Groovy.